Let’s discuss why musical camps are important for young minds!

Music is weaved into the fabric of our lives and it takes different forms for different minds. Music has always played a vital role in improving brain function in young children. So it is critical that they are exposed to listening, playing, reading and performing. Each aspect of music education is focussed not only on the skill set, but the overall development of a child.
Just as how holiday getaways are a luxury these days for adults, camps are getaways for children from their regular routine. If you’ve noticed, these getaways or camps- are what we use to refuel our minds. And children being themselves need constant change and diversified activities to keep their minds proactive, fresh and ready to tackle new adventures with new found knowledge. This is the function that Trill Route’s Summer Camp fulfils.
Our Summer Camp Carnival mission is to “Discover Young Talent & Celebrate Music”
Trill Route’s Summer Camps are exclusive in many ways. Each year our camps are upgraded to incorporate activities that are relevant to increase the productivity, knowledge and functionality of a child in a very broad sense.
Our musical activities span for 3 weeks. Each day they spend 2 hours with qualified and celebrated artists and professional educators and starts to discover music and learn to adapt music into their lives. We give them a cocktail of games and activities that promote good behaviour and talent. Being a Music Academy our goal is to focus on nurturing even the tiniest spark we see among our young talents and allow it to develop into a strong musical ability.
Our summer camps focus on giving the students options to explore musical instruments, singing, melodies to improve individual talent, harmonies & acapella singing to build team chemistry. To facilitate this, we use instruments like ukulele, guitar, keyboard, djembe, tambourine, shakers etc.
We identify student talent and inclination towards these instruments and build a tailor made lesson plan for them. It is during these activities that they discover the scope of each instrument.
Over the course of 3 weeks, they discover their talent in music, take basic music lessons in theory and concepts through games & activities, jam with friends, celebrate a carnival day for their hard work and put up a performance in the end.
The highlights of our camp is as follows:
Enjoyable introduction & learning experience for our students
Experienced & qualified educators monitoring them constantly
Exploring Singing, Ukulele, Guitar, Djembe, Drums, Keyboard, Tambourine, Shakers etc.
Jam sessions & creative sessions
Carnival Day - a day for celebrating their efforts and for celebrating & appreciating music
Mystery Day - a surprise activity
Graduation Day - the students put up a performance for you
A full assessment report & professional feedback from the teachers
Photos & videos of the performance & their journey
Guidance & counselling for taking up music further
Goodie bags, badges, coupons for classes, awards for their efforts
A few images our last year's campers
Author : Aarabhy Surendran